Wakaka, today my daddy bring us to Pizza Hut again, caus my mum said last week she dint eat gok, so she wants to eat, thn we "pun tiok"=P .We order a two set of pizza. Both also is waikiki---Beff 1. Hv 1 is cheezy lava...Tht's nice! The cheese so cukup. Then the other 1 is normal 1 but gt 25% more free cheese...So syok.xDD
Very sien...Aiyoyo...Thn my daddy go buy durian, thn my mum keep complaining my daddy:" Aiyer~!everytime buy durian duwan use his own car, always want to do untill my car smelly smelly..!" hahax..
Tht's all for today.=)
..::The End::..