See how happy we are. xD
My second aunt was so high that night. The photos all so blur huh.
This chocolate blueberry cheese cake. *blink*
We went to playground. Wheee~
I don't wanna live in this world anymore! Argh!
*I'm discovering how deep is it. xD
Help! Help!
Somebody help me out? xD
Sam ji mui. xD
*OMG, when did I have dimple on my face?!*
We play together and share our laughter. :D
Actually my leg can touch the ground.-.-
Well, they enjoy, I'm enjoy too. (:
Wake up early and jogging w/ mama. :D
HOME sweet HOME.
♥ die this rose.
Family photo.
Hmm. Who else is missing there huh?
[My dad], he's cooking.
Muscular daddy, Heh.
Young and leng aunt. (:
Her pajamas just like formal dress.xD Bluh bluh bluh.
Mamma capture this. omFg, I hate mushroom head!
That's all.
Goodnight world.(:
Happy Mothers Day!